Double Bench of High Court Allahabad has put an stay on the ongoing couselling of B.Ed. candidates for the post of assisstant teachers.....
Double Bench has given the next date of 11 feb 2013 for hearing......
Now the Candidates have their eye on next hearing as this matter is stretching as rubber band for more than one year.....
Lets hope for the Best......
Plz my friends..Dont lose your hope.....
This recruitment will continue and we will all get appointed....
Double Bench has given the next date of 11 feb 2013 for hearing......
Now the Candidates have their eye on next hearing as this matter is stretching as rubber band for more than one year.....
Lets hope for the Best......
Plz my friends..Dont lose your hope.....
This recruitment will continue and we will all get appointed....